Life in the QuantumOptics Age
The QOISC is a focal point for Donn Silberman's Quantum Optics Education Adventures
Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers | 60 Minutes - CBS News Dec. 3, 2023
U.S. quantum leadership may hinge on public perceptions | Brookings - Dec. 8, 2023
Visit the OSSC website for monthly meeting & outreach events info.
Education & Career Assistance
This web page has links to various career assistant and job search websites for the physics, optics, photonics and quantum fields.
More will be added as time goes on. For high school students in Orange County CA, see Vital Link of Orange County
Download "Careers in Lasers, Optics, Fiber-Optics & Quantum"
Download "SPIE Women in Optics 2025"
Finding colleges & universities in the Quantum Optics Age
Education & Careers - IEEE Photonics Society
Optics Education Directory 2019-2020
Apprenticeships / Internships / Mentorships
Home | Map² california (
EXP - The opportunity engine (
Programs - Vital Link of Orange County
Looking for Jobs Worldwide
Sukuta Foundation laser careers through workshops and job fairs
Coast to Coast Virtual Laser Expo December 15, 2022 video recording
Physics World Careers and APS Careers - Physics World Careers 2022
Quantum Computing Jobs (
QED-C | Quantum Jobs | QED-C (
Student Conference Support (