Life in the QuantumOptics Age
The QOISC is a focal point for Donn Silberman's Quantum Optics Education Adventures
Visit the OSSC website for monthly meeting & outreach events info.
Quantum Clubs at colleges, universities and high schools.
This web page contains links to student quantum and related technology clubs and society chapters to help connect them with industry and in particular with leaders and members of:
QED-C | The Quantum Economic Development Consortium (
(Note that when searching online for quantum clubs, there are some educational institutions that use the word 'quantum' to designate something special, but i not related to quantum physics. We do not include these links.)
Quantum Clubs Could Be Your Ticket Into the Quantum Computing Field | by Qiskit | Qiskit | Medium
The Association — Stanford Quantum
Quantum Computing at Davis (
Quantum Computing Student Association - UCLA Community
Clubs | PES University Quantum Computing Club
SCHOOL CLUBS and STUDENT COUNCIL - The Quantum Academy, Inc. (
Quantum Information Club » Electrical and Computer Engineering (
Yale Undergraduate Quantum Computing (YuQC) | Yale Quantum Institute
Google Developer Student Clubs Quantum University - Roorkee | Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC)
Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society (
Quantum club | University of Oxford Department of Physics
Undergraduate Quantum Association - UMD Physics
This Is York | Newly-founded Quantum Club magnifies the topic of quantum
Overview — SQUID 2023 (
Brooklyn College Quantum Computing Association
Princeton Students in Quantum
University of Western Ontario Western Quantum Club
Other Quantum Groups not necessarily associated with schools
Quantum Physics groups | Meetup
Quantum Kidz |LEGO STEM or STEAM Clubs, Camps and Workshops for Kids |
​High School Quantum Computing Course — Stanford Quantum