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Life in the QuantumOptics Age
The QOISC is a focal point for Donn Silberman's Quantum Optics Education Adventures
Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers | 60 Minutes - CBS News Dec. 3, 2023
U.S. quantum leadership may hinge on public perceptions | Brookings - Dec. 8, 2023
Visit the OSSC website for monthly meeting info.
This webpage is a collection of phrases, comments, observation, sayings, remarks, dicta & maxims collected by my Physics professor, the Late Great Wm. S. Bickel of the Univ. of Arizona. These were given to me during a visit to the UA in December 2012 where I was awarded the Honor's College Advocate for Education Award.
There are 1622 of these and I will post a page at a time (or more) until they are all posted here.
Here it is ---- The last word after the second to the last word was given. The first repartee after the semi-final repartee.
To a good man - Donn Silberman
Once a student of mine, always a student of mine.
Dec 4 2012 ex animo --
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