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Life in the QuantumOptics Age
The QOISC is a focal point for Donn Silberman's Quantum Optics Education Adventures
Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers | 60 Minutes - CBS News Dec. 3, 2023
U.S. quantum leadership may hinge on public perceptions | Brookings - Dec. 8, 2023
Visit the OSSC website for monthly meeting & outreach events info.
Donn's Quantum Explorations
This webpage contains links to other websites about the Quantum World. It is here as place where I can store web links and other material.
The Daily Qubit
Weirdness and wonder: Quantum entanglement work wins 2022 Nobel Prize for Physics (
Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser signs the Clintel World Climate Declaration
Cradle to Cradle Institute and book
When will quantum computers finally break into the market?
From Physics World
5 big questions on quantum computing answered ( March 2023
From Wells Fargo
Quantum World Congress - White Paper - Dec. 2022
The above white paper is the best current summary.
How quantum computing could change the world | McKinsey & Company June 2022
WEF_Quantum_Computing_Jan. 2022.pdf (
AIP-national-quantum-initiative-signed-law - Dec. 2018
What is quantum mechanics? | Institute for Quantum Computing (
Quantum Computing Reports by GQI
Donn's Slides at June 2019 OSSC meeting
Sandy's Slides at June 2019 OSSC meeting
Jon's Slides at June 2019 OSSC meeting
Sandi Irani, UC Irvine, Mathematical and Theoretical Quatum Computing
Dr. Jonathan L. Habif, USC, ISI, Experimental Physics
USC Center for Quantum Information Science & Technology (CQIST)
USC scientists find a way to enhance quantum computer performance
USC-Lockheed Martin Quantum Computation Center
Charles "Chip" T. Sebens Philosophy of Physics - Cal Tech
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, a National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Center
Cal Tech Research > Quantum Information & Computation
Caltech Awarded Federal Funding for Quantum Research
Quantum Computing at IBM
6931: Access the Future Today: Quantum Computing
IBM Research
Honeywell Quantum Solutions
Google AI - Quantum Computing
Jacob Taylor - NIST - White House office of Science & Technology
Interdisciplinary UA Researchers Get Tangled Up in Quantum Computing
Thorsten Ritz, UC Irvine; The magnetic sense of animals: From quantum theory to the discovery of the receptors and mechanism
UC Irvine, Dept.of Logic & Philosophy of Science,
Research Group in Philosophy of Physics
The Physics of Nothing
Dr. Justin Dressel, Physics Professor, Chapman University
Links from Daniel Lidar's website at USC
Bell Inequality, By Jed Brody
MIT Spectroscopy & Quantum Mechanics
Georgetown Univ - Intro to Quantum Mechanics & Spectroscopy
Univ of Oregon - Spectroscopy & Quantum Physics
Quantum Computing Playground
Cargo Cult Science - R. Feynman, Caltech 1974
Scale of things - hand to quarks
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